Saturday, January 27, 2018

Adult party game gifts

Adult party game gifts

Any celebration can be an opportunity to come together to play and celebrate life, laugh, forget so much stress and leave for a while the worries of work and adult life. And the penances for those games can give an extra touch of good humor. When it comes to organizing a party for adults, the idea often appears: a party with lots of liquor, food, movies, eroticism and debauchery, such as garment games, bottle games, drinking competitions, anyway. 

But an adult party does not always have to be like that. We can also have family-type activities, games between friends, either for celebrations and birthday parties, parties between co-workers, activities of a club of friends or hobbyists or sports fans, where guests or participants do not have equal degree of friendship or intimacy and suddenly do not tolerate, or feel uncomfortable with some kind of behavior.

When playing, adults are giving themselves the possibility of reliving childhood experiences, being children again, laughing, getting out of their work routine and worries, of the seriousness of their professional work. And if that is the idea of the parties you want to have, here we offer many penances that can be used for an adult party with lots of fun and humor.

Penitence’s to play between friends and family Many of the penances proposed in this blog can serve for children's parties or youth, but also in parties for adults, making some variations, increasing the difficulty of some tests and challenges, but above all, putting a touch of malice in every game, test or penance. Many times, adults gather to play board games, card games, or to celebrate an event, such as a birthday. For those games, some penances, challenges and tests that can serve are:

  ü  Penance based on physical challenges
  ü  Fun Races
  ü  Become a human coat rack
  ü  Tests and challenges of resistance
  ü  Penances and games of Charades: imitation of characters, representation of              words and concepts through mimics "Do as ...")
  ü  Penitence’s and make-up games
  ü  Bottle game: Variants and ideas
  ü  Games to play with your partner

Adult party game gifts

1 comment:

Burhanuddin said...

This is a nice article