Tuesday, January 30, 2018

How to lose weight: Step by step guideline.

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#Step 1- How to lose weight safely: Supplements with prudence

To start this guide on how to lose weight, it is important to start talking about supplements, since the vast majority of people who want to reduce look for alternatives and shortcuts in products that claim to have incredible results.

The products available in the market have increased significantly in the last 20 years.
The supplements that were previously on the shelves to lose weight you could count on the fingers, were very few.

At present the situation is diverse, there is so much variety and not only of brands but also of products, that it is difficult or almost impossible to choose one.

The good news is that because of the variety you can find one that perfectly suits your needs. Therefore the first thing you must do before acquiring one is to have your goal very clear. After you have clear your goal where you want to go, you must determine your current physical condition and your budget limitations.

It is also important that you identify if you have an allergy to any product or ingredient that may be immersed in the supplements.

The most important thing is that you are clear that these products are nothing more than supplements to our balanced diet. If your goals and the diet that you have raised are not compatible, you will never achieve your goal. In the same way, the training influences and is that the 3 go hand in hand: Supplementation, diet and training.

It is good to clarify at the outset that supplementation is not essential because through the food you are able to obtain all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that your body needs either to develop and increase muscle mass or to lose fat. For this reason, we have touched on the most sensitive topic of entry in this guide to losing weight healthily that we have prepared for you.

Once this point is clarified we can continue with some basic knowledge that every fitness athlete should know.

#Step 2- How to lose weight safely: The inconvenience

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First of all, you have to be aware that if a healthy diet, balanced and appropriate to your goals, it is impossible to reduce body fat. Not all the supplements in the world will be able to make you lower if you are not eating properly.

You have to know that in order to lose weight naturally there must be a deficit of calories, that is, you must be consuming fewer calories than you are burning with your workouts.
Of course, this is a process that takes time, it is impossible to lose large amounts of fat from one day to another, so arm yourself with courage and patience.

#Step 3- How to lose weight safely: The essential

You must be very careful to have a low-calorie diet, you must provide your body with all the vitamins, minerals and fatty acids.  You need for its operation, and to assimilate correctly all the nutrients it is most advisable that before to start any type of diet do a detoxification of your body.

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There are hundreds of detoxification and cleansing diets that will help you cleanse your body of all toxins before starting your balanced diet.

The deficit of vitamins and minerals in your body can generate fatigue and weakness. Therefore it is necessary that you have a diet carefully prepared for the needs of your body. Taking into account the quantity and quality of the exercise you perform.
You can incorporate vitamin products in order that your body has everything you need to function 100%.

Depending on the physical activity you do, you must choose one or the other product. Since for example those that are of high intensity will require a greater amount of intake of vitamins and minerals.

In the case of weight training, the demand for vitamin B and antioxidants may increase, but in the case of a low-intensity cardio session, it may require more minerals. And the more strict the diet you are taking, the greater the need for additional vitamins and minerals that your body will need.

#Step 4- How to lose weight safely: The calories your body needs

In this guide to how to lose weight, we could not leave out the famous calories.
To be able to plan a diet correctly you must be aware of the calories your body needs to function properly. After calculating them you will know that if you reach that number in the day you will maintain your weight, if you do not reach them you will be losing weight and if you overcome it you will gain weight.

In addition to the calories, you should keep in mind that the average weight loss rate is one pound per week. Losing more of that is not healthy or recommended at all.
If you despair and think you can get results in less time then you will be slowing down your metabolism too much and you could lose muscle in the process.

#Step 5- How to lose weight safely: Your balanced plate

Already for this moment in our guide to how to lose weight, you should know how many calories you should be consuming but you have to be aware that you eat food and not calories.

Protein and carbohydrates contain 4 calories per Gram; fat contains 9 and alcohol 7.
As you already have the number of calories to consume now you just have to adjust your diet to meet the goal every day.

As your goal is to lose weight or keep it off, your diet should contain a high protein intake. And depending on the type of physical activity you do this intake should be between 1.5 grams to 3 grams per kilo of your body weight.

For example, let's say that the number of calories you should consume is 1500. If you weigh 70 kilograms then you should consume about 105 grams of protein a day, right? Well, these 105 grams are equivalent to 420 calories; therefore the rest of the 1080 calories that you would lack you should distribute them between carbons and fats.

The consumption of alcohol is not recommended.
The next step to follow is to adjust the fat consumption. Experts indicate that 20-30% of the energy intake should come from good fats.

To continue with our example we are going to take the 20% that in the previously mentioned case would be 300 calories.300 calories that you can cover with the consumption of 33 grams of fat during the day. And the rest of the calories, which would be 780, will be obtained through carbohydrates.

Of course, they are not fixed numbers, you can vary around them.
Little by little you will get used to your new diet and you will be able to eat the calories you need without constantly checking behind each package or product. You should also keep in mind that the calories you should consume should be divided and distributed in at least 4 meals.

If you came here thinking that you could lose weight fast you will have realized how wrong you were. We're not going to lie to you, we've never done it, losing weight takes time. You need dedication, effort and perseverance to see results little by little.
And those are the same results that will motivate you to continue with your goal: Lose weight.

#Quick Weight Loss

#How To Lose Weight Fast

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