Saturday, February 3, 2018

Fast and Proved Ways for Diet and Weight Loss

Fast and Proved Ways for Diet and Weight Loss

Eating a balanced diet is a fundamental part of maintaining a healthy life, and it definitely helps you feel better and with more energy every day. We must avoid believing that it is a very difficult task. You just have to follow these simple tips.
Eat the right amount of calories for your activity level, causing a balance between the food you eat and the calories you burn. It is really quite simple, if you eat in excess, you will gain weight and if you eat less than your caloric expenditure, you will lose weight.

The key to achieving an excellent diet is to do the following:
  ü  Emphasize the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products
  ü  Include lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs and various nuts in your meals
  ü  Reduce  saturated fat, trans fat, salt ( sodium ) and added sugars
  ü  Stay within the range of your daily caloric needs

Fast and Proved Ways for Diet and Weight Loss

It is recommended that men consume around 2,500 calories daily. And women should have around a consumption close to 2,000 calories a day. It is worrisome to know that most adults usually exceed the stipulated calories thus achieving an increase in weight over time. It is very important to eat a wide range of foods to ensure you receive the full range of nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of your body.

Eight Valuable Tips for weight loss properly:

Tips 1: The importance of starch in your meals
The starchy foods have to be about a third of total food consumed daily. The starchy foods consist of cereals, various types of bread, rice and potatoes among others. Whenever possible, choose integral alternatives (or avoid removing the skin to certain foods such as potatoes) when you can: contain more fiber, and can help you feel more satisfied.

Fast and Proved Ways for Diet and Weight Loss

In the best cases, you must include at least one food rich in starch with each main meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Some people think that starchy foods get fat, but the carbohydrates that contain this type of food are very healthy and really necessary to achieve a true balance in our diet.

Tips 2: The green solution: fruits and vegetables
Experts in nutrition and health recommend that we eat at least five servings of different types of fruits and vegetables a day on our plates or as appetizers to attack hunger. Believe me, it sounds more difficult than it seems.

Fast and Proved Ways for Diet and Weight Loss

A glass of 100% natural fruit juice without sugar (150 ml) can count as a serving, (do not confuse a good juice squeezed at home with a supermarket, these tend to have high sugar),  vegetables cooked at lunch or dinner also count.
Why not cut an apple on top of your cereal for breakfast, or change your usual snack to beat your hunger for fresh fruit?

Tips 3: Include fish in your menu
The fish is one of the top 5 sources d and proteins and contains many healthy vitamins and minerals for your body. Try to eat at least two servings of fish a week, (a baked or over-fried fish are good ways to cook it) including at least one variation of bluefish in one serving.
Bluefish contains something very important: omega-3 fats, which help in the prevention of heart disease. menstrual pains and Osteoporosis among other ailments. You can choose between fresh, frozen and canned: but remember that canned and smoked fish usually have a high amount of salt.

The bluefish is constituted by salmon, mackerel, herring, trout, sardines, and fresh tuna. The non-fatty fish includes haddock, saithe, plaice, hake, tuna in cans, and cod. If you regularly eat a large amount of fish (really a compliment to your health), try to choose as much diversity as possible, the benefits will be huge.

Tips 4: Say no to salt
It is important to clarify that even if you do not add salt to your meals, you may still be eating too much in your semi-prepared meals. About three-quarters of the salt we consume is already added to the processed foods we buy every day, such as breakfast cereals, soups, bread, sauces and various types of cookies and flour products.

Fast and Proved Ways for Diet and Weight Loss

 Eating too much salt can raise blood pressure, so it is always vital to exclude salt in the diet of older people since people with high blood pressure are more likely to develop a stroke or heart disease.

Tips 5: Decrease the consumption of saturated fats
We all need a little fat in our diet, however marginalized this is, in controlled values it is healthy. But it is very important to pay attention to the amount and type of fat we are eating. There are two main types of fats, one good and the other not so much: saturated and unsaturated. Too many saturated fats can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which consequently increases the risk of developing heart disease.

Fast and Proved Ways for Diet and Weight Loss

The saturated fats are found in many foods (usually those typically avoided in many diets to reduce weight in a short time) like cheese, invoices, biscuits, sweets, sausages, butter, lard, pies and fast food or junk. They are very rich foods but you have to try to reduce their consumption to a minimum and choose foods that contain unsaturated fats instead, such as vegetable oils, fish and nuts.

Tips 6: Let's get rid of the sweetness
Consumed in excess by the majority of the population. The food and sugary drinks such as coke or juice boxes, including alcoholic beverages, are often very energetic, and if consumed on a very regular basis, can definitely contribute to weight gain and deterioration in the state physical and general energy. They can also cause damage to our teeth, such as cavities among other conditions, especially if eaten between meals.
Reduce (or better yet, avoid) the consumption of soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, the famous children's cereals, cakes, sweet doughs, cookies and other sweets that contain added sugars. This same type of sugar is what we should be reduced instead of the natural sugars found in things such as fruits and milk.

Tips 7: Transpires more
Maintaining a varied and nutritious diet plays a leading role in the maintenance of a healthy weight, which is an ingredient of great importance to have good health in general. Overweight or morbid obesity can lead to serious health problems such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease and stroke. On the other hand, having a weight below the recommended one can also affect our health. Go to a doctor or nutritionist for a recurring weight check if you are unsure about your weight or just want to check yourself with a professional eye.

Fast and Proved Ways for Diet and Weight Loss

Many adults maintain a poor diet, consequently need to lose weight and decrease calorie intake is the solution. If you are trying to correct your condition and lose weight, try to eat less (following the rules we have been talking about) and be more active, that is, exercise or practice some sport. Maintaining a balanced diet is undoubtedly the starting point.

Tips 8: Breakfast
Many people who want to lose weight, decide to skip breakfast believing that this will help in their goal. The reality shows the opposite, several studies show that having a good breakfast helps control weight.

Fast and Proved Ways for Diet and Weight Loss

Waking up with a nutritious breakfast is one of the most fundamental parts of a diet. Breakfast provides some of the most important vitamins and minerals for our body, and the energy to face our day. If there are times when it is hard to get up, without breakfast it becomes even more difficult! Fruit, granola, and a 100% natural juice make a perfect breakfast.

Other Ways to Diet and Weight Loss

How to lose weight: Step by step guideline

How to lose weight fast 

Quick Weight Loss

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